CloudGuard Cloud Security Posture Management capabilities are packaged into three modules. Pricing is based on the number of modules selected and the number of protected assets in the cloud environment
For licensing purposes, a protected asset is a server or database instance. In AWS environments, we look at EC2 and RDS instances. Micro and nano instances are protected for free. In Azure environments, we count VMs, SQL DBs and SQL Servers. The 0 family (A0/D0) is excluded. In Google Cloud environments, we count instances except F1-micro instance types
A free two-week product trial (no credit card required) is available as part of every pricing plan
Software Specification:
- Network Configurations Visualization.
- Protected Assets Inventory Management.
- Proactive Network Security with Region Lock and Tamper Protection.
- IAM Safety with on demand authorization for privilege elevation and enforcement of Least Privilege Principle.(CNX Package Only)
- Posture Management and Continuous Compliance preventing configuration drift over time for Cloud, Containers and Serverless workloads.
- Automated and customizable policy remediation.
- Third party integrations (SPLUNK, Service Now, Slack etc)
- Host Level vulnerability indicators (AWS Inspector, Guard Duty, Tenable etc).
- Serverless Protection, please use both of the following products: CloudGuard Posture Management and CloudGuard Workload. This SKU Includes Basic Package of Serverless Runtime Protection with 200M annual invocations included.