Unified Cloud Platform
Drootoo’s Unified Cloud Platform enables organizations to improve business agility with a one stop option to provision and optimize IT resources on-demand from major cloud providers. Accelerate innovation by enabling IT to more effectively collaborate with business owners to meet KPIs and realize the benefits of cloud services.
Organizations must deliver greater value as they move to edge and distributed cloud computing to meet their business objectives. Reducing complexity, managing cloud spend, complying with changing regulations and delivering new insights on data from the cloud provide real challenges. Simplify your cloud environment and scale cloud operations like never before. Enable distributed and multi-geo computing to achieve higher data governance for emerging use cases such as AI, edge computing, cloud migration and digital transformation.
Dramatically Simplify Cloud First Environments
• SW defined 100% OPEX model across single or distributed clouds
• Single sign-on portal with global visibility
• Rapid provisioning to ensure resources are deployed quickly
• Unified cloud subscription management
Empower IT to meet key business KPIs
• Support region to edge application deployments
• Distributed cloud network with over 250 datacenters, 30+ regions
• Enable multi-geo computing to meet HA and DR SLAs
Achieve Cloud Governance and Compliance
• Eliminate cloud lock-in
• Enforce granular control with role based access
• Multi layered security with live auditing/reporting, cloud firewalls, key pairs
Use Cases
**• Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning
• Cloud Network Management
• Security and Compliance
• Cloud Management and Cost Optimization
• Secure Developer Sandbox
Platform Services
Unified Management
Provide a unified view and dashboard of the organization’s multi-cloud environment. Instead of having to manage multiple accounts, create a single-sign across multiple cloud providers. Monitor & track key stats, such as cloud resource usage and provide unified billing to reduce TCO.
Resource Plan Provisioning (ResourcePlan)
Organizations can provide a self-service way to provision and launch cloud resources such as compute, storage, networking and security on-demand from a single workflow and pre-configured stack. Each resource plan includes version control for tracking purposes. When used with Partner Services, each service is available as a machine image (DROOTOO Machine Image DMI) and consumed through ResourcePlan.
Create a virtual cloud network with over 250 data centers across many regions and with many routing zones around the world. Enable cross cloud peering, VPC, and region peering between multiple cloud service providers.
Achieve cloud governance by integrating multi-layer security features such system hardening with cloud firewalls, role-based access control and authentication, and live auditing.
Drootoo’s virtual cloud
Meet key IT and business KPIs with one or more cloud providers. Unlike traditional virtual private clouds, Drootoo’s virtual cloud spans across secure, logically isolated environments in a highly distributed, cloud and datacenter network.
Platform Kernel Layer
Unified API Service Framework
With DROOTOO’s Unified API as a Service, developers can now launch a cloud API and pass parameters across multi-cloud resources from a single ResourcePlan stack.
Cloud Abstraction Layer
With DROOTOO’S Unified Cloud Platform Cloud Abstraction Layer, platform services utilize the different cloud API’s of multiple cloud service providers into a unified framework.
Partner Foundation Services
Provide Unified Data Platform services and leverage Partner Services spanning DevOps, Service Catalogue, Container management, Datacenter Network and Cloud Exchange services. These services are available as a drootoo’s machine image (DMI) within the Unified Cloud Platform and consumed through ResourcePlan.
Service Layer Components
Distributed Thread Scheduler: Distributed thread scheduler helps to spawn threads to be used for processing of distributed operations in Unified Cloud Platform.
Task Management Service: Task Management Service helps to manage batch ops or tasks being scheduled in the UCP pipeline for distributed cloud operations.
Multi Tenancy Framework: Multi Tenancy Framework allows UCP to serve multiple tenants from its platform at the same time. Provides every user a dedicated share of its instance including its data, configuration, user management, settings, and properties.
Re-synchronization Service: ReSynchronization Service helps to resync cloud objects between Cloud Service Platforms (CSP) and UCP. The resync service helps to maintain the consistency and integrity of cloud objects visible on UCP’s dashboard.
Supported Cloud Service Providers:
Amazon Web Service
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform (Premium)
Alibaba Cloud (Premium)
Equinix (Premium)
For more information
Please refer to our documentation to learn more about Unified Cloud Platform capabilities.