NachoNacho is a one-stop-shop for businesses to manage, discover & get discounts on SaaS.
Manage your SaaS subscriptions
NachoNacho is a terrific way to manage and control all your subscriptions, saving you time and money. Businesses lose track of their subscription payments over time: there are duplicate subscriptions, unused ones, free trials that unintentionally become paid subscriptions, employees leaving the company without their subscriptions being canceled, etc. Also, vendors often make it easy to subscribe but hard to cancel.
In NachoNacho, separate virtual credit cards are created for each subscription vendor, and spending limits and date restrictions are set per card. Cards can be suspended or canceled at any time. A company-wide dashboard shows all subscriptions in one place. Account setup takes less than 5 minutes.
10,000+ businesses have signed up in 2 years. Businesses are migrating all their subscription payments to NachoNacho to have better visibility and control. On average, users save 25% of their subscription payments by using NachoNacho. This is measured by the number of unwanted charges that are being declined due to limits that users set on their cards.
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Discover new SaaS
Businesses are discovering new and exciting SaaS products from the NachoNacho platform via NachoNacho’s recommendation engine, which uses machine learning algorithms and a thriving community. They discover software specifically relevant to their company that helps them grow faster, save costs, and be more efficient.
Get discounts on SaaS
NachoNacho account holders are also eligible for substantial discounts (up to 30% lifetime discounts ) on hundreds of popular SaaS products: There is no promo code or discount code required – the discounts are applied automatically to a user’s NachoNacho account. Businesses are saving thousands of dollars due to the discounts available in the marketplace.