CloudBlue Commerce
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Extension Package



Connect Extension APS Package is a part of the Connect Extension for the CB Commerce that needs to be installed / updated in every CB Commerce instance that is setup to work with Connect, as schematically illustrated and highlighted below:

Extension package provides the following capabilities to the CloudBlue Commerce:

  1. Products Discovery
  2. Connectivity Configuration Management
  3. Connectivity Health-Check
  4. Installation and Upgrade management of the Product Packages.
  5. Subscription details view for the Connect product(s) owned by the Reseller accounts directly
  6. Reseller-level parametrization of Connect product(s)
  7. Reseller-level actions of Connect product(s)
  8. Reseller-level identification by Vendors
  9. Notification to Vendors of changes in the tier accounts information
  10. Automation of Usage files propagation

The minimum supported version of the CloudBlue Commerce for the compatibility with Extension APS package is 8.1 (or higher).

Live Demo

For a brief overview and live demo of the Extension package, please refer to the following video:


Extension package requires Adapter Package to be installed first. Please refer to that article for the details.

1. Deploy APS Package

Open Provider Control Panel of the CloudBlue Commerce, navigate to the Services > Applications screen and click the Import Package button:

Thereafter, specify the following URL and click the Submit button:

As a result of this operation, you should see the “Package successfully scheduled for import” notification. Please wait a few seconds. Upon completion of the importing process, you will be able to proceed to the next step of the configuration process and create APS Application Instance.

2. Retrieve Hub Credentials

In order to create instance of the Extension APS Application, you will need to retrieve Hub-level credentials from the corresponding Hub object details on the Connect Portal.

Access your created hub details screen and switch to the Extension tab. Thereafter, it is required to copy values of the following 3 variables:

  1. APS Extension OAuth Key
  2. APS Extension OAuth Secret
  3. APS Extension Application Endpoint

These values are essential for APS Application Instance creation as described below.

3. Create APS Application Instance

Once APS Package is imported, please navigate to the System Applications tab, locate the “CloudBlue Connect Extension” package:

Once you access your package from the list, navigate to the APS Application Instances list:

Thereafter, provide the following values:

Application API end-point URIhttps://aps.connect.cloudblue.com/hub
Authentication TypeOAuth
Network AccessProxy
OAuth KeyAPS Extension OAuth Key” value from the Hub > Extension details in the Provider Portal of the CloudBlue Connect (described earlier in the article)
OAuth SecretAPS Extension OAuth Secret” value from the Hub > Extension details in the Provider Portal of the CloudBlue Connect (described earlier in the article)
Impersonation LevelYes

Click “Next” and leave value of the “Hub Identifier” property empty at the next screen:

Click Next once again and create your APS Application Instance.

If everything is done correctly, you should see your new instance with the Ready status in the System Applications list as illustrated in the screenshot below:

Once your APS Application instance is created, 2 new elements will appear in the Services section of the Provider and Reseller Control Panels (versions 1 and 2) of the CloudBlue Commerce:

NOTE: Tier Configurations objects appear in the Settings menu when the following 2 conditions are satisfied:

  1. Product contains at least one Tier parameter.
  2. At least 1 order that contains that product has been placed by Customers of the Provider or Reseller where Settings are being viewed.
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