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Connector Actions


The following outlines and describes actions that are available from your imported connector recipes on the Workato platform. The system allows previewing the provided actions by clicking on your selected recipe from your project page on Workato.

Create a Cancel Asset Request

This action allows creating a cancel fulfillment request on the CloudBlue Connect platform. This operation is required in case your customers cancels their purchase within your target application. Namely, the system locates the required subscription object and automatically creates a cancel request on the Connect platform. Thus, Vendors can accept this request and consequently cancel the corresponding subscription.

Note that the Assent Cancel Request action requires you to provide the following parameters on Workato:

  • External ID of the subscription that you want to cancel (required)
  • External UID of the subscription object that you want to cancel (optional)

Create a Change Asset Request

This action is used to automatically generate change subscription request on the Connect platform in case your customers changes or updates subscription data on the target application. The system uses this action to locate required subscription object on Connect and generate a change request. Therefore, Vendors can accept the request and consequently change/ update the corresponding subscription object via the Connect platform.

The Asset Change Request action requires you to specify the following parameters:

  • External ID of the subscription that you want to cancel (required)
  • External UID of the subscription that you want to cancel (optional)
  • Global ID (optional)
  • Quantity (optional)

Create a Purchase Request

This action allows generating purchase request on the Connect platform once your customer purchases a subscription or buys a specific SKU via your target application. The Workato system automatically creates a subscription object and corresponding subscription request on the CloudBlue Connect platform. Consequently, Vendors can process the subscription request and the provided subscription.

Note that this action requires you to specify the following parameters on Workato:

  • External ID of the Asset that you want to cancel (required)
  • Hub ID (required)
  • Marketplace name (required)
  • Tier 1 Account information (required)
  • Customer Account information (optional)
  • Product ID (optional)
  • Item ID (required)
  • Quantity (required)

Create a Suspend/ Resume Request

This action is used to automatically generate suspend and resume requests in case the provided product features the corresponding settings and in case your customers decide to suspend or resume their subscriptions. Thus, the system locates the subscription object and creates suspend or resume request via this action. Vendors can accept the request and consequently suspend or resume corresponding subscription on Connect.

The following parameters should be specified for the Asset Suspend/ Resume Request action:

  • Request type (required):
    • Suspend: Select this parameter to generate a suspend request
    • Resume: Select this parameter to generate a resume request
  • External ID of the Asset that you want to cancel (required)
  • External UID of the Asset that you want to cancel

Get Usage Records

This action, as the name implies, allows the Workato system to get usage records. Namely, once your Vendor submits a usage file via the corresponding module on the Connect platform, the system can locate and automatically acquire the provided usage records from this usage file. The system can also convert usage record data and consequently submit it to your target application.

Note that the Get Usage Records action also requires you to specify the File ID usage file parameter from the Connect platform.

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