Microsoft Azure Marketplace
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Publishing Your Offer


Offer Creation

Follow the steps below to create a new offer on the Microsoft Partner Center:

  1. Sign into Microsoft Partner Center.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Commercial Marketplace and then proceed to Overview.
  3. On the Overview page, create a SaaS offer by clicking New offer button and selecting the Software as a Service option.

Thereafter, start configuring your offer by using the provided form.

New Offer

The system prompts your to enter an Offer ID. It represents a unique identifier for each offer in your account. It is also important to note that:

  • Offer ID is visible to customers in the web address for the marketplace offer and Azure Resource Manager templates, if applicable.
  • Offer ID should contain only lowercase letters and numbers. It can include hyphens and underscores, but no spaces, and is limited to 50 characters. For example, if you enter test-offer-1 here, the offer web address will be https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/marketplace/../test-offer-1.
  • The Offer ID can’t be changed once you click the Create button.

The system also requires to specify an Offer Alias. It represents is a name that is used for your offer in the Partner Center. Note that your offer alias isn’t used on the marketplace and it is different from the offer name and other values shown to customers. Once your offer is created, your offer alias cannot be changed.

In case the provided form is filled out, click the Create button to generate your new offer.

Offer Overview

Once your new offer is created, the system provides the Publish Status in the Offer Overview menu. This status displays a visual representation of the steps required to publish this offer and how long each step will take to complete. Incomplete publishing step icons will be greyed out.

The Offer Overview menu also contains a list of links for performing operations on this offer. This list will be changed based on your offer updates. This menu also allows performing various operations with your offer:

  • Click Delete Draft in case your offer is in the draft state and it is required to delete it.
  • Stop Sell Offer: If it is necessary to stop your live offer.
  • Go Live: In case it is necessary to publish your offer in the preview state.
  • Cancel Publish: If it is required to cancel your offer publication.

SaaS Offer Requirements

In order to list Software as a Service (SaaS) offers on Commercial Marketplace via Partner Center, the following criteria must be met:

Marketplace Listing

Promote your business with Microsoft by creating a marketplace listing. Note that it is possible to list your offer and do not perform transitions via Microsoft. In this case, Microsoft doesn’t participate directly in software license transactions. There are no associated transaction fees and the publisher keeps 100% of any software licensing fees collected from the customer. However, the publisher is responsible for supporting all aspects of the software license transaction, including but not limited to: order fulfillment, metering, billing, invoicing, payment, and collection.

Get It Now (Free)

List your offer to customers for free by providing a valid address (beginning with Http or https) where they can get a trial through one-click authentication by using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)). For example, https://contoso.com/saas-app.

AppSource Listing

The following example showcases how your offer information will appear in Microsoft AppSource:

  1. Large logo: It is used to display your company logotype.
  2. Categories: Specifies your product categories.
  3. Industries: Displays your product industries.
  4. Support addresses: Provides your help and support URLs.
  5. Terms of use: Link to your terms of use document.
  6. Privacy policy: Link to your privacy policy document.
  7. Offer name: Displays your product (offer) name.
  8. Summary: This field provides your offer summary
  9. Description: Provides your offer description, product features and so on.
  10. Screenshots/videos: Images and videos of your product/ offer.
  11. Documents: Links to your product documentation, articles, etc.

Azure Portal Listing

The following example demonstrates how your offer information appears in the Azure Portal:

  1. Title: It is used to provide your product/ offer name.
  2. Description: Displays your offer description.
  3. Useful URLs: Contains links to your support documentation, getting started articles, etc.
  4. Screenshots: This represent images or screenshots for your product.

Pricing Configuration

The following video describes pricing configuration on Microsoft Commercial Marketplace:

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